Monday, 14 January 2013

Happy 2013!

A lot has happened since my last post.  I shouldn't have left it so long to write the next one, but to be honest I don't know where the time has gone!

Running has been hit and miss since then.  I managed to catch one of the many winter vomiting bugs that were doing the rounds, and essentially it has taken me the best part of 5 weeks to get over it, and the cold and chest infection that led directly on from it.
I tried running with the chest infection in the hopes that it might just shift whatever it was that was lingering, but it didn't work so I gave in and went the antibiotics route.  So now, I am just about better.  Still the occasional wheeze and the occasional cough, but generally back to feeling a lot brighter and slowly getting my energy back.  I managed a 6 mile run yesterday, and this evening I sorted out my marathon training plan.  A scary prospect but it feels good to have a plan in place!

Christmas was lovely.  Busy running about all over the place, but that's ok when it's all nice stuff that you're doing.  It has to be said that I didn't spend enough time acquainted with my own bed, but I enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, and doing stuff I enjoy - I made mince pies, cake pops and my first ever naan breads!

I went to the funeral of Foxy, the guy I mentioned in my previous post, and although it was incredibly sad it was also strangely uplifting, which might sound odd, and did take me by surprise.  Maybe it is just me but I took something away from that day about love and friendship, and living life to the full.  If there is something you have always wanted to do, what is stopping you from doing it?  Have a go, what's the worst that can happen?

So here we are in 2013, and this year, I will complete my first ever marathon.  Quite probably my only ever marathon at that, so I want to savour this!!  It might not be everyones idea of a good time, but this for me is a dream that I have been my own barrier to achieving for years now.  I say that because (apart from the ballot) there has been no reason why I couldn't have trained for a marathon years ago.  I've watched the London Marathon on TV for as long as I can remember, and all the time I have been running I have always convinced myself that I would never be able to do it, that it's too hard for me.  Well why the hell can't I do it?  Of course I can, I just need to have a little bit of self belief and with the right training, a little bit of luck and a following wind there is nothing to stop me.

And if at any point I am struggling with motivation or fitness, or it hurts too much, I just have to remember why I started this whole business in the first place and I'll be right back on track.

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