Whenever I think about Sunday I am hit with butterflies and a slight feeling of nausea. Which is a shame, as it enters my thoughts approximately every 10 seconds or so! So much so that I am struggling to eat, and every good marathon runner knows that I should be carb-loading right about now.
I think what would calm my nerves would be to have myself a bit more organised, but whenever I think of the things I need to do (sew on buttons, pack bags, wash running kit, sort out trains and times etc.) I find myself painting my nails, or epilating my legs or some other such activity. Which whilst nice to get done, is not critical to my marathon success! In summary, when it comes to getting myself organised, I appear to be doing a damn good impression of an ostrich.
So anyway, I do actually have some things to share with you!
First, I promised a picture of my marathon outfit (no, it isn't an ostrich costume!), and I have finally got around to sewing on buttons and ironing on my name! I have a couple of more buttons to add, and the trousers may change to 3/4 length if the weather is looking warm enough, but you get the general idea. Please note the optimism implied by the fact that I am wearing sunglasses....

Secondly, I do have a little bit of not-so-good news. I saw the physio about the sharp pain I experienced after my aborted run, and had some massage and was shown some stretches and exercises to do. I then went for a run with Sui at the weekend in glorious sunshine. It was originally going to be around 10 miles, but even before we set out we had decided to make it more like 8, just because at this point I don't want to risk anything. The pain came back pretty much the moment I broke into a running stride, and lasted for the full 6.5 miles that we covered. Significantly worse going uphill, so I'm grateful to learn that there won't be too many inclines in London, however generally it has slowed me up quite a lot. My target had already slipped from 5hrs 30 to 6hrs. Now, I just don't have any target other than getting around. I know I can grit my teeth and keep going, and I will also be taking painkillers to try and take the edge off, but there's not much more I can do. Seems my body has decided it has had enough and needs a rest two weeks too early. I have seen the physio twice more this week and we have tried everything - massage, assisted hip/pelvis stretches to try and re-align, acupuncture, and a LOT of taping. I have almost enough tape on my right bum cheek and hip to get away without underwear! I just have everything crossed that all of the things we have tried will go some way towards making Sunday a little less painful.
In order to cheer myself up a bit, and as a memento of the day, I made a completely frivolous purchase from the Thomas Sabo website, and have the below charm to carry around the course with me. After the race I will hopefully get it engraved, and it will serve as a lasting reminder if times get tough that I am capable of achieving more than I ever thought possible, and that you should never give up!
Thirdly, due to the generosity of my friends, family, colleagues and even people I don't actually know, I have already smashed my fundraising target! Not only that, but I have been pretty overwhelmed by the support, encouragement and kind words I have had from all over the place. I have had texts, emails and facebook posts, and special mention to Kate for the beautiful hand-knitted arm-warmers I received in the post yesterday. It may well be too warm to wear them when I run, but I am going to wear them to the start line anyway and pack them in my kit bag before I head off. So I wanted to take an opportunity to thank you all. It means the world to me!
Finally, I wanted to take a minute to say a huge thank you to my lovely Pete. I am well aware that the training schedule for a marathon is a pretty selfish one, especially when you are as slow as I am! I feel a bit like this year has been on hold - there are so many things we have said we will do 'after the marathon'! As the runs have got longer, and my recovery time from them has increased, there have been whole days that have had to be written off because I was incapable of doing anything. And Pete has just been there for me - running a bath for me before I even get home from a run so I can get straight in and warm up, going out to get shopping and cooking me dinner when I have been too tired/needed to train/couldn't walk after a long run, rubbing my shoulders when I have been in pain from the increased mileage combined with the whiplash, booking the hotel for London so I didn't have to worry about it.......I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea! I have no idea if Pete even reads my blog, but if you're reading this Pete, YOU ROCK and I love you.